NFT collection of 1/1 pieces.
tessera, /ˈtɛs(ə)rə/ noun, plural tes·ser·ae
a small block of stone or other material used in the construction of a mosaic
Currently running on xrp.cafe is the incrementally minted collection called ‘Tessera Gallery’ that will give room to collabs, commissions and experimental works.
The Tessera Gallery collection will exist of a range of subseries.
New pieces will be minted following announcements on X and in the Discord.
Besides working with tiles cut from children’s book covers I will also start using a range of other base materials to work with and experiment.
The size and tile count of each piece can vary.
I’m an artist for almost 25 years now, graduated from art school in 2000 (Fine arts, Minerva). I founded my own studio in 2007 focusing mainly on visual and graphic design and furniture design. I started creating mosaics from recycled children’s book covers in 2009, after having used book covers als base material in a range of furniture designs.
My IRL mosaics are handmade one-offs, both commissioned and free work, and are most often put up for sale in galleries and at art fairs. For each handcrafted mosaic I need ±2000 small tiles from real children’s book covers to choose from. These small tiles are handcut and physically filed and subsequently digitally catalogued. Over the course of the last decade I have garnered up to 75.000 small digital files of unique colorful ‘pixels’ of real world pieces of book cover that are inextricably linked to handmade works of art.